Mole Loco Moco with chipotle macaroni salad

It is that time of year again! No I’m not talking about summer BBQs and backyard cookouts. Not yet! It’s Father’s Day and around here we cook for dad. And we cook the same thing EVERY Father’s Day! Breakfast Loco Moco and macaroni salad.

Our dad-in-chief has Hawaiian roots. Deep Hawaiian roots, especially when it comes to food, so we give him gifts, cards, lots of love and some good homemade Hawaiian Loco Moco.  This traditional Hawaiian dish consists of: white rice topped with a hamburger patty, a fried egg, and brown gravy (arguably in that order).

But I had to make an executive decision this year. Our Father’s Day will be spent in a convention center watching our oldest play the last volleyball tournament of the year. We most likely have to be there early so there’s not much opportunity for Loco Moco making in the morning. Therefore, Father’s Day Loco Moco have been moved. We are celebrating Father’s Day a bit early and having Loco Moco TONIGHT!

As if moving Father’s Day DAY wasn’t enough, I’m disrupting the traditional Hawaiian Loco Moco. I’m switching out the gravy for mole (yes MOLE! Store bought because I’ve not yet discovered the ways of the mole).  I also changed up the traditional Hawaiian mac salad and made CHIPOTLE mac salad. And let me tell you, this chipotle macaroni salad packs a bit of a kick, just like our dad-in-chief likes!

Happy Father’s Day to all you dads out there, doing your magic and the things only dads can do. May your Father’s Day be as delicious, saucy and full of aloha as this Mole Loco Moco dish.
